September 23 - 25, 2019
Flanders Meeting & Convention Center
Elisabeth Center
Antwerp, Belgium
Plan to come early on Monday and participate in a tutorial! Tutorials on Monday, September 23 are complimentary to Open Networking Summit attendees and can be added to an existing ONS registration here.
Tutorial: Take a test drive with the Cloud Native Network Function (CNF) Testbed - Sponsored by CNCF
Tutorial: Take a test drive with the Cloud Native Network Function (CNF) Testbed
Sponsored by CNCF
Monday, September 23 // 8:45 – 10:15 // Okapi 3
Pre-Registration Required
The Cloud Native Network Function (CNF) Testbed is a CNCF initiative to provide a neutral space for exploring and evaluating open source networking technologies and their interoperability. The initiative fosters cross-community collaboration and includes contributors from FD.io CSIT, Network Service Mesh and OpenStack among others. This tutorial will walk through how users can provision the hardware and cluster infrastructure on Packet bare-metal machines as well as the deployment of various telecom-focused use cases onto those clusters. There will be time for Q/A as well as looking at the implementation for some components of the CNF Testbed. Attendees should leave this tutorial with an understanding of how to deploy the CNF Testbed with their own Packet accounts and to contribute to the CNF Testbed initiative.
Tutorial: 5G Network Test with OpenTAP - Sponsored by Keysight Technologies
Tutorial: 5G Network Test with OpenTAP
Sponsored by Keysight Technologies
Monday, September 23 // 10:45 – 12:15 // Gorilla 1
Pre-Registration Required
Please join us for a workshop focused on applying OpenTAP to test 5G networks and NFV systems. This workshop will introduce OpenTAP, an open source test sequencer optimized for speed, simplicity, and scalability. OpenTAP has been released as an open source project in June 2019. OpenTAP can be used for many types of test sequencing, from driving actual hardware to cloud-based solutions. OpenTAP is used today in manufacturing test and in a 5G network and NFV test research including trial networks.
The workshop will cover the architecture and main components of the OpenTAP core code and the SDK for the development of OpenTAP plugins. After a short introduction, part of the session will provide a walk-through for developing plugins, demonstrating how OpenTAP can be used in the 5G NFV test space. Participants will be invited to apply hands-on the software using OpenStack Heat API, IxLoad and Yardstick as use cases. The workshop will provide an example based on 5G NFV test research.
Tutorial: The role of Cloud native, Edge, Orchestration in the evolution of 5G networks and its use cases - Sponsored by Ericsson
Tutorial: The role of Cloud native, Edge, Orchestration in the evolution of 5G networks and its use cases
Sponsored by Ericsson
Monday, September 23 // 09:00 – 12:00 // Marble Hall
Pre-Registration Required
Please join us for a workshop to understand how Cloud Native, Edge Computing, Orchestration and open source play a role in the evolution of 5G networks. In this deep dive workshop, we will explain cloud native techniques using some of the projects from CNCF along with Orchestration and how Edge plays a role in the evolution of 5G along with an e2e Orchestration & a closed loop automation demo.
Introduction – 5G & Edge
Describe Orchestration Covering Service Assurance, Orchestration Across Hybrid Networks, Network Slicing, CI/CD and ONAP & ETSI Alignment
Cloud native – Cloud native techniques – CNCF – Projects such as Kubernetes, and Other Related Technologies
Key Learnings of a Cloud Native Packet Core Deployment in a Major Customer Network
Accelerating Edge Computing Business with Distributed Cloud and 5G
Deep Dive into Network and Service Exposure (API’s) & Use Cases
End-to-end Orchestration and Closed Loop Automation Demo
Balaji Ethirajulu – Sr.Director Product Management
Stephen Terrill – Sr.Expert, Automation and Management
Ciaran Johnston – Expert, Network Management Architecture
Tamas Zsiros – Expert, End-to-End System Architecture
Claes Meltzer – Strategic Product Manager, Packet Core
Sheng-Ann Yu – Head of Solution Line, Distributed Cloud
Jitendra Manocha – Senior Portfolio Manager
Tutorial: MEC in 5G Era:From Requirements and Standards to Practice in Delivering Differentiated Services - Sponsored by Huawei
Tutorial: MEC in 5G Era:From Requirements and Standards to Practice in Delivering Differentiated Services
Sponsored by Huawei
Monday, September 23 // 08:45 – 10:15 // Okapi 2
Pre-Registration Required
You are warmly invited to join us in this workshop on Multi-Access Edge Computing. With the ongoing development of services such as 5G and industrial IoT coupled with CSPs digital transformation ambitions, application innovation in vertical industries is growing rapidly. Edge computing, especially MEC, is a key requirement to the development and innovation of industry digitalization. This tutorial will first walk through the requirements of carriers’ Edge Computing and update you with the latest progress from a carriers’ perspective. Next we will introduce the current status and working plan of MEC related standards within ETSI MEC and 3GPP. Finally this tutorial will cover what MEC deployments actually look like and how MEC can support the delivery of 5G differentiated services. Attendees should leave this workshop with a deeper understanding of the requirements that Carriers such as China Mobile have for Edge Computing, along with the knowledge of the progress of the corresponding MEC Standards and finally a view of how MEC deployments based on these standards can be achieved.