April 3 - 5, 2019
San Jose McEnery Convention Center
San Jose, California
Plan to come early on Wednesday and participate in a tutorial! Tutorials on Wednesday, April 3 are complimentary to Open Networking Summit attendees and can be added to an existing ONS registration here.
An Open Hybrid Cloud Network Architecture for SDWAN Tutorial, sponsored by Alibaba
An Open Hybrid Cloud Network Architecture Tutorial
Sponsored by Alibaba
Wednesday, April 3 // 8:30 am – 10:00 am // Room LL21B
With the trend of application cloud migration, there’s an increasing need for on-premise IDCs, branches, and endpoints to connect to the cloud. This presentation will discuss Alibaba Cloud’s approach to building a secure, open, high-quality enterprise network solution. Based on SD-WAN technology and edge nodes, the solution ensures lower latency and higher network QoS. This session will share our open SD-WAN approach by utilizing widely used open source software platform to offer comprehensive capabilities including CPE, access gateway and secure encryption at scale.
Cloud Native Architecture, Applications, Platform, & VNF to CNF Transformation and Network Programmability Tutorial, sponsored by Ericsson
Cloud Native Architecture, Applications, Platform, & VNF to CNF Transformation and Network Programmability Tutorial
Sponsored by Ericsson
Wednesday, April 3 // 9:00 am – 12:00 pm // Room 230A
Over the next several years, there will be massive technology transformation in Telco networks. Technologies in the areas of 5G, cloud native, cloud native applications, Automation will play a major role and offer new business models and use cases that are radically different. In this Tutorial, we will cover cloud native principles, architecture, standards and open source alignment, Micro services based applications, Edge/distributed cloud platform, and many open source projects that we use in the area of cloud native.
Schedule (subject to change)
- Cloud Native Introduction – Balaji Ethirajulu
- Cloud Native Design Principles/Architecture – Tamas Zsiros
- A Cloud Native Application Design, Opportunities & Challenges – Henrik Persson
- Cloud Native “Dual-mode 5G Cloud Core” and Network Exposure (Programmability) – Jitendra Manocha
- Cloud Container Distribution /Distributed Cloud – Sampathkumar Santanakrishnan
- Cloud Native Demo – Sampathkumar Santanakrishnan
Converged Multi-Access Edge and Next-Gen SDN, sponsored by Open Networking Foundation
Converged Multi-Access Edge and Next-Gen SDN
Sponsored by Open Networking Foundation
Wednesday, April 3 // 9:00 am – 12:00 pm // Room 230B
ONF is enabling dramatic transformation of operator networks by leveraging open source and community-based development led by operators. ONFs integrated portfolio spans next-generation SDN infrastructure up through service platforms for unified mobile and broadband subscriber edge services. Participants will learn from ONF & operator subject matter experts as we explore all aspects of the ONFs broad spectrum of work. Vendors benefit by gaining a keen understanding of operator intentions, learning from the ultimate end users about what’s needed and where networks are headed. Expect to come away with a clear understanding of ONF’s unique operator-led portfolio of projects, how these interrelate with the broader ecosystem of open source (from OCP, TIP and the Linux Foundation), how operators are leveraging this work and how you can get more involved.
Click here to view the schedule and more information about this tutorial.
Digital Transformation for the Network, sponsored by Intel Corporation
Digital Transformation for the Network Tutorial
Sponsored by Intel Corporation
Wednesday, April 3 // 9:00 am – 12:00 pm // Room 230C
Click here to view the schedule and more information about this tutorial.
Driving Telco Performance with the Cloud Native Network Function (CNF) Testbed Tutorial, sponsored by Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Driving Telco Performance with the Cloud Native Network Function (CNF) Testbed Tutorial
Sponsored by Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Wednesday, April 3 // 10:30 am – 12:00 pm // LL21B
As the telecom industry’s confidence in Kubernetes grows, Cloud native Network Functions (CNFs) are emerging as the network architecture of the future, providing notable performance improvements thanks to a lower virtualization overhead. This in-depth tutorial will walk through the new Cloud native Network Function (CNF) Testbed, which provides telecom-focused vendors and operators with a consistent and reliable method to test network functions from ONAP or an organization’s own networking code as VNFs and CNFs. Attendees will walk away with an understanding of how the testbed will enable telcos to compare the performance and resiliency between running on Kubernetes and OpenStack using the same underlying hardware.
Evolution of Compliance, Verification, and Certification Program in LFN Tutorial, sponsored by Huawei
Evolution of Compliance, Verification, and Certification Program in LFN Tutorial
Sponsored by Huawei
Wednesday, April 3 // 10:30 am – 12:00 pm // LL21C
This tutorial will discuss the vision of the CVC (Compliance and Verification Committee) within LFN. The aim is to bring more consolidation and consistency between OPNFV and ONAP eco-system to deliver a complete certification and verification program for both VNFs and NFVI.
1. LFN Compliance, Verification and Certification (CVC) Program Introduction
Heather Kirksey, VP, Community & Ecosystem Development, LFN
2. Operator’s Perspective on CVC
Rabi Abdel, NFV&SDN Lead Architect at Vodafone Group, LFN CVC Vice-Chair
3. LFN CVC Updates and How to Build a CVC Qualified Lab
Lincoln Lavoie, InterOperability Laboratory (UNH-IOL), LFN CVC Chair
4. How CVC Works with Multiple Projects and Community
Victor Gao, Senior Software Engineer, Huawei
- Basic VNF Introduction, including the VNF related Standard(ETSI,3GPP, etc), the ONAP requirements of VNF
- Dovetail, SDC, VNFSDK, VVP etc.
- Demo