Kubernetes Workshop with VMware
Date: Tuesday, May 1
Time: 13:00 – 16:00 (workshop) 16:00 – 18:00 (reception)
Registration Fee: $25 -Event fee donated back to CNCF Scholarship Fund; Register now by adding this to your KubeCon + CloudNativeCon registration.
This workshop led by VMware will provide an overview and walkthrough of containers and Kubernetes, with key concepts, architecture, and how Kubernetes is used in enterprise environments. The session will include running Kubernetes in enterprise use case scenarios and how enterprises can operationalize Kubernetes addressing day 1 and day 2 needs. Join us for a live interactive workshop where our experts will cover the following topics:
- Overview of Kubernetes Architecture
- Kubernetes Deployment Walkthrough
- Enterprise use case scenarios and demos
- Operationalizing Kubernetes for Day 1 and Day 2
- Monitoring and Troubleshooting Kubernetes
- Kubernetes Networking and Service Mesh for inter-service communication
The workshop includes a reception focused on service mesh right afterward.
Michael West
Mike is a Technical Product Manager at VMware, focused on container technologies such as Docker, Kubernetes, Harbor, and Lightwave. He is a frequent speaker at industry conferences, and VMware events such as VMworld and VMware Users Groups (VMUG). When not ruining his eyesight while staring at small font CLIs, he enjoys cycling and stand up paddle boarding.
Tom Schwaller
Tom is a Technical Product Manager at VMware. Having been involved with IT operations for two decades, Tom specializes in technologies like Kubernetes, vSphere Integrated Containers, and VMware Integrated OpenStack. He has a strong container networking background from NSX. He is described as an open source person who likes comics, Quantum Computing and Geometric Algebra.
Fawad Khaliq
Fawad is developer at VMware working on service mesh and microservices. He has worked in the networking and distributed systems domain for several years and has been a contributor to various OSS projects like OpenStack, Kubernetes, and Docker. His current work is focused on Istio, Envoy, and Linkerd.