Better Together Diversity Social
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Date: Sunday, October 21
Time: 17:30 – 18:45
Location: Atrium – Sheraton Hotel & Spa, Level 2
*Drinks and light refreshments will be available
Who can attend? Underrepresented minorities in tech: women, people of color, LGBTQA+, and people with disabilities
Is this event open to allies? No. Allies are incredibly important to further diversity in tech and the world, however, at this time, we’ve chosen to limit attendance to underrepresented minorities in tech, to provide this community a dedicated space to share their unique experiences & perspectives.
Allies can support diversity in tech at ELC Europe by:
- Participating in the Diversity Empowerment Summit
- Seeking out and engaging diverse attendees at ELC Europe
Please add the Better Together Diversity Social to your current ELC + OpentIoT Summit Europe Registration by clicking the button below.
ELC + OpenIoT Summit Europe Diversity & Inclusion Initiatives
To view a sampling of the ways in which The Linux Foundation supports diversity and inclusion at ELC + OpenIoT Summit Europe, visit the Diversity & Inclusion page.