The RISC-V Foundation will be hosting a free Getting Started with RISC-V event in Tel Aviv. This event will showcase innovative RISC-V implementations from members of the Foundation.
This one-day Tel Aviv event on September 16 will feature engaging presentations, demos and networking opportunities.
These roadshows are targeted for engineers, technical managers, makers, designers, students and educators. The sessions will feature engaging presentations, live demonstrations and an opportunity to speak with RISC-V experts and other local RISC-V enthusiasts.
”We are seeing extraordinary, fast-paced growth in the RISC-V ecosystem. We want to accelerate the trajectory of this growth. These one day RISC-V roadshows are designed to help educate and create awareness of RISC-V. Please join us and learn how RISC-V is revolutionizing the processor industry, by enabling innovation, from the industry leaders of RISC-V development.
Martin Finkinterim CEO of the RISC-V Foundation and Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer at Western Digital